We Enable You To

Hire The Best – Keep The Best – Develop The Best

PX12 System is a scientific patented technology that sustainably replicates the top 10% performance of all talent in your organization.

Ready to win the war for talent?

In less than 15 minutes you can learn how to hire & develop exceptional people who deliver measurably better results.

The Premise

All talent thinking determines all profitable outcomes.

Culture – Productivity – Retention – Revenue – Profits

PX12 System: Scalable Platform Solutions

Sustainably replicate the top 10% productivity of talent that can directly improve an organizations bottom-line.

Sustained Performance Management

The Process: Leaders utilize delivering profit building change.

Based on decades of research, PX12 System provides Sustainable Productivity Improvement organizational solutions that are scalable with rapid deployment.

The Productivity Improvement System

  • Measure – Organizational talent performance view now.
  • Analytics – Global view of the organization’s performance thinking that delivers bottom line results.
  • Bench – ID all top 10% Performers “Stars” (replicate them)
  • Hire only top talent – 90%+ Success Rate top performance.
  • Develop – Provides proven rapid learning tools – sustainable results 10% to 30% performance increase in weeks.


Hire top performers and develop exceptional teams using unbiased validated and EEOC-compliant data.

A Patented, Proven Process

Our PX12 System assessment precisely measures 12 Human Performance Thinking Indicators for improving the thinking patterns that enable higher productive abilities and behaviors. The combination of the PX12 Profile patented profile diagnostic, and online coaching system, enables rapid learning transformation in a matter of weeks.

This system is based on decades of clinical research and practical application with thousands of individuals and employers.

Get Started Today

Fast. Scalable. On Demand. Measurable.
Discover and Motivate performance in yourself, your organization, and your clients.