
Key Manager Retained Based on Performance Turnaround!


Like so many companies, Zebra had a skilled and experienced engineering manager who was on the brink of being fired because he was difficult to work with and was alienating other team members. He had been given verbal feedback and told to make changes but to no effect. The company was faced with the costly prospect of replacing this manager, incurring recruiting, training costs, as well as significant lost productivity.
Zebra Case study


The difficult manager took the PX12 Performance Profile diagnostic, followed by 10 weeks (10 total hours) of PX12 System coaching. Not only was the manager retained, but a significant performance improvement of 37% resulted in him receiving two raises in a 12-month period and promotion to the position of director. The company retained a valuable manager, the employee is thriving in his position even 3.5 years later, and the gross annual ROI for retaining this manager is an estimated $27,218 or more than $100,000 at the time of this report.


Other candidates were benchmarked and coached in this study with all candidates retaining or advancing in their positions, reporting a minimum 25% performance improvement within 70 weeks. After one year, all employees had sustained improvement and were still with the company. Results demonstrate the effectiveness of PX12 System Activate to significantly impact performance, retention and profits.


Other candidates were benchmarked and coached in this study with all candidates retaining or advancing in their positions, reporting a minimum 25% performance improvement within 70 weeks. After one year, all employees had sustained improvement and were still with the company. Results demonstrate the effectiveness of PX12 System Activate to significantly impact performance, retention and profits.

Metrics - Clear performance metrics were established. All employees included in this study were measured against these criteria at the beginning and end of the study.

Benchmark - Employees took the PX12 Performance Profile diagnostic and received 10 weeks of PX12 System coaching based on the growth areas indicated by their individual results.

Results - 100% of employees in this study retained or advanced in their positions, reporting a minimum 25% performance improvement within 10 weeks. After one year, all employees had sustained improvement and were still with the company. Results demonstrate the effectiveness of PX12 System coaching programs to significantly impact performance, employee retention and profits.

“PX12 System has foundationally changed the way we hire and who we hire. No other instrument has captured this degree of deep insight about what’s going on behind the thinking of our potential hires”

J Smith

Director of Human Resources and Training